Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Identify Your Perfect Clients & Develop an Attraction Marketing System

Your Vision of Your Perfect Clients

Picture in your mind your 3 perfect clients. You may think of them as your A+ clients.

Your Perfect Client Prototype - Qualities & Attributes The Be - Do - Have Approach

BE: Your perfect clients attitudes, beliefs, & values Example:

DO: How your perfect clients' behave. What do they do and what do they not do. Example:

HAVE: What do your perfect clients have and what don't they have that makes them a perfect client. Example:

What Makes Your Perfect Clients Tick? "The key to creating far more satisfying and synchronistic relationships is to say what usually goes unsaid in the context of business, to share the motivations and missions that drive us and our customers (clients) to get out of bed each morning and face another day. When we know what motivates our perfect customers - what is most important to them in their lives - we will be in a much better position to assist them to achieve their goals." Attracting Perfect Customers: The Power of Strategic Synchronicity by Stacey Hall & Jan Brogniez

Interviewing questions for getting to what makes your perfect client tick:

1. Why do you get out of bed in the morning?

2. Who is the most important person to you in the world?

3. What is most important to you in the world?

4. What do you want to achieve before you leave this world?

5. What do you really love about your life?

Attraction Principle: Like attracts like. Based on this, you can lay the foundation for a great relationship by asking the same questions of yourself, since your perfect customers are generally motivated by the same, missions, issues, values and challenges as you are.

What Do Your Perfect Clients Expect You to Deliver?

What are the qualities and attributes that make your practice a perfect place for your perfect clients?

How do you know what your customers expect of you? You get to say.

How can this be? You are fulfilling your own unique purpose and mission through your business. You are the only one who can create your business in the way you do. To be most attractive to your perfect clients, it's paramount that you be completely fulfilled through your work.

Thought Experiment: Recall a time when you were serving a perfect client? What was it like? Now, recall a time when you were serving a difficult client? What was that like? What was 1 key difference? Didn't the perfect client appreciate the way you do business and the difficult one would have preferred for you to do business in some other way?

Key point: What do you want to provide and how?

I Choose for My Perfect Clients to Expect Me to….

Include: pricing, location, advertising methods, staff size, primary services, secondary services, Not what you think you should provide, or have to provide. Only what you truly want to provide. What would be most satisfying and fulfilling for you? This is key to designing your practice on purpose and filling it with your perfect clients.

Where Do You Have Room for Improvement? Question: What do you have to improve to attract more perfect clients? Answer: Only those items that your perfect client expects you to deliver.

More Challenging Question: What are you currently working to improve that your perfect clients don't expect or want you to improve? This is the most fun and enjoyable part of the process. It's an opportunity to acknowledge your strengths and to identify where you can ‘turn on the power' in order to be even more attractive to a larger This step helps keep you on track and on purpose with your overall game plan by allowing you to check to see if new ideas are aligned with and consistent with what you say your perfect customers expect from you.
Tip! The habit of Going beyond Expectations- Going beyond what you are paid to do, what is expected of you or what you want for yourself will be effortless because all of your actions will be inspired actions. The ideas, creativity, solutions and opportunities will just flow because the Law of Attraction is like a big photocopier; it brings you more of what you set out.

Exercise: 1. Look at your list, "I Choose for My Perfect Clients to Expect Me to…"

2. For each item ask yourself, "Are we providing this service or meeting this expectation completely right now?"

3. If yes, congratulations. Go on to the next item on the list. If no, then circle that one.

4. Repeat for all the items on the list. As you ask this question, check in with your perfect clients - the 3 you pictured at the start of this process. Ask them what they say. (Often, we're our own worst critic, especially if we have a ‘perfectionist streak' in us.)

5. Top of new page, write "What Do I Have to Improve to Attract More Perfect Customers?" Write the circled items here.

6. Write down the date when you will BEGIN working on that item.

What's Next?

You've just made a great start in designing your practice on purpose to be even more attractive to your perfect clients. Possible actions for moving forward:

1. Keep adding to your 4 lists.

2. Review your plan daily, even if it's for just 5 minutes.

3. Share it with your staff and invite them to nominate items to add to the list. (But you get to say what you actually add. It's your plan.)

©2005 Brad Swift of Life On Purpose Institute, Inc. This article can be reprinted freely online, as long as the entire article and this resource box are included.

Dr. Brad Swift founded Life On Purpose Institute in 1996 with the vision of creating a World On Purpose by assisting people like yourself to clarify their life purpose & live true to it. Determine how on or off purpose your life is with the fun & insightful Self Test at: http://lifeonpurpose.com/_forms/self-test.php?source=ezart
Tip! Law of Attraction-what you focus on with your thoughts and feelings becomes your point of attraction and creates the outcomes you bring into your business. You can get into alignment with the law of attraction by having what you say you want, what you think about what you want, and how you feel about having what you want all be congruent with each other.

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